Mike has been a friend of mine for a few years now. He approached me a month ago about doing something different for family photos of him and his daughters. He wasn’t interested in doing the same old boring family pictures, he has done the barn and wear matching clothes before. This year he wanted to do “Single Dad Family Portraits” and make them be EPIC portraits. We went back and forth with ideas until we landed on the best idea ever! I mean let’s be honest. There is NOTHING cooler than 80’s ski suits and crimped hair… NOTHING. When the girls first got to the studio they weren’t as excited as Mike was… however after this first portrait they got SO excited and then made the best Single Dad Family Portraits shoot ever.

When I asked Mike why the crazy and different style of family portraits his response was “There will be a lot of time that you will think about the past, but you can’t change that,” he said. “You can only control what you can control. For me, that means being involved as much as I can and exposing them to different types of activities that we can all enjoy.” And I can promise you his daughters DEFINITELY enjoyed this family portrait session.

Whats What do you think?

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Cool Single Dad - Faces Photography

Let’s just say his two daughters were full of energy and which made showing their personality not a problem with this photo shoot.

We went viral!

And it doesn’t hurt that this shoot got the front page of Reddit and posted on BuzzFeed 🙂

It even got on the PSBattles subredit where people decided to photoshop the family in tons of different situations. Crazy to me that overnight Mike’s photos on reddit had been viewed over 4 million times. Now we have to plan for next years family portrait session. They have got to be even better! We will not disappoint.